Sunday, June 22, 2008

Two New Reviews of My Book

Reproduced from

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Two New Reviews of Migration of the Kamishi

Category: Writing and Poetry

Gaddy Bergmann's book Migration of the Kamishi was a wonderfully refreshing read in regard to the post-apocalyptic genres of books. So often I find the age of technology and the dismal imagery of a world none of us wish to live in, but in Bergmann's book I found I wouldn't mind living on through the aftermath.

His writing is a far off dream wavering in the winds of time. His characters are realistic in spite of what seems like a far fetched future. I'm reminded of the nature of life's "full-circle" when I read his work and am able to make peace with the possibility of the future he presents. I found the quietude and joy I search for when wanting a book to take me on a journey . Bergmann transported me to just that place; a world where only a very talented author can take you.

I would highly recommend this book to someone who wants something different by an author who dares to take a different view of what may come of our future world. It was an adventure I'm looking forward to continuing with Bergmann as he releases his second book in the Feral World Series - Trials of the Warmland.~ Reviewed by Kristy Tallman, Psychological Thriller/Horror Author

Set in the future, after an asteroid strike has returned humans to a simpler hunting and gathering culture, Migration of the Kamishi is an extremely readable adventure story. Three resilient young people, on a quest for a better life, bring us a message from a Utopian future where nature is no longer subjugated for man's convenience. This lovely novel can be read as speculative fiction, an adventure story, or as a timely ecological reminder.

The author draws on his background in the sciences, but creates a very human narrative of triumph over adversity.

I would give this trilogy a "Newbee" award--those who haven't read science fiction before would find this a great way to begin.~ Miss Ann Thropic


Trials of the Warmland Releasing Feb 22!

Current mood: excited

Category: Writing and Poetry


Trials of the Warmland, the second book in The Feral World trilogy is almost here! February 22 is the official release date, but if you want to pre-order a copy at the lower, pre-release price, please visit the Flying Pen Press catalog here:

After that, both Migration of the Kamishi and Trials of the Warmland will be available through all the usual book outlets.

In addition, the first book signing for Trials of the Warmland will be on Sunday, March 2, 3pm, at the Denver Book Mall, located here:

Who Else! Books

32 N. Broadway

Denver, CO 80203

Ph: 303-733-3808

Thank you!


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