Monday, June 23, 2008

Creating the Feral World

Reproduced from

Creating The Feral World
Thursday, November 29, 2007

A revised edition of Migration of the Kamishi is coming soon! This book will
have a new cover, more entries in the glossary, and more details in
several scenes. It is set for a simultaneous release with the second book
in The Feral World series, Trials of the Warmland.

I am currently doing final edits for Trials of the Warmland. In addition to
the usual copy editing, I am also adding two more scenes: one in the
middle, and one near the end. This is all very hush-hush, but here's what I
can tell you. In the middle of the story, Blake and Lana encounter
someone from a different culture, who uses far more advanced technology
than they do. And toward the end of the novel, Blake and Lana discover
that the Warmland's weather is not always so mild after all.

Both Trials of the Warmland and the new Migration of the Kamishi will be
available in stores and online in February 2008.

Then, it's back to writing Riders of the Mapinguari! I have already delved
deep into this story as well. The Terran army and their mapinguari have
already attacked Corpus, and it doesn't look good for the Corpushi. I can
hardly wait to get back into that world. But for now, it's still edits, edits,

Gaddy Bergmann

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