Sunday, June 22, 2008

Prehistoric Stuff Rules

Reproduced from

Monday, February 25, 2008

Prehistoric stuff rules

Current mood: curious

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

The new film, 10,000 BC will be coming out next Friday, March 7, 2008. To say that I am looking forward to this film would be like saying that Muhammed Ali could "take care of himself," or that sharks can get "kinda nippy," or that George W. Bush isn't exactly "in tune with America." In short, I can hardly wait. I don't remember being this excited about a movie since, well, since Peter Jackson's King Kong came out in 2005. My only hope is that this film is not a big let down, because I just can't take that kind of disappointment.

What is it about prehistoric stories that fascinates people like me? Well, it's probably a combination of two things. One, it's the opportunity to be wowed by huge, amazing animals. And two, it's the opportunity to travel to a time when the world was simpler (if more dangerous).

Based on the previews I'v seen, my only criticism of 10,000 BC so far is this. Despite the awesome terror birds, sabertooth cats, and mammoths, and the apparently smashing CGI special effects, the animators appear to have made their giant animals too agile for their size. The bigger and heavier an animal is, the necessarily more slowly and carefully that animal must move. For all their strength and power, animals like elephants, rhinos, and giraffes simply cannot engage in acrobatics if they hope to remain in one piece. Prehistoric animals no doubt faced the same problem, and it is disappointing to see the filmmakers of otherwise well thought out films forget that.

Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to seeing 10,000 BC, and I really hope it delivers. I'll let you know what I thought of it soon!

Gaddy Bergmann

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